Examine This Report on vice city link

Vice City is a medium-sized darknet marketplace which began operations in May 2020 . The market has managed to attract a loyal group of vendors and customers. It was founded on the assumption that it would pay special attention to customer service to differentiate it from other markets that were seen as unfair to consumers at the time. Market pages are a bit slower to load and more difficult to navigate than other marketplaces and the site is plagued with frequent timeout problems. But, it does manage to keep up with some regularity, and a $300 bond from the vendor is an affordable entry point to newer vendors.

Vice City was one of the first markets to prohibit the sales of items that are associated with porn which helps to reduce the amount of clutter. Fentanyl sales too have been banned, along with the typical others. Although the market isn't able to offer the most extensive inventory but it does offer some of the most prominent drugs and digital goods. The vendors of the market are spread throughout the world, and serve all regions around the globe.
Product Selection

Vice City currently has around 10,000 listings in total, with around 70% of those for pharmaceuticals and drugs. Categories of listings include Benzos, Cannabis, Dissociatives Ecstasy Opioids, Prescriptions, Psychedelics, Steroids, Stimulants, Digital, Fraud, and Services. The most searched-for category is Digital Items (2647 listings) and Cannabis (2130 listings). Many categories are divided into subcategories, making it easier to find the exact kind of product for which you are searching. The search feature appears to be not functioning at the moment.
Payment Methods

Vice City is a Bitcoin (BTC)-only market that , until recently, used the traditional wallet for accounts system. They have now switched over to the per-order payment system that means that customers don't need to fund their accounts before making an order. Instead, a certain number vice city market url of BTC gets sent the address that represents the order. The account is placed in the account until the request is received. At that point it is released to the seller. The market seems to be working on a way to support Monero (XMR) but this feature is not yet ready to be made available. Alongside standard Escrow payment options, Vice City also supports Multisig and FE (finalize early) payment options, although the latter two are not made available to all vendors.
Vice City Pros

Simple, simple registration process.
A good, comprehensive selection of most sought-after items.
Moderation and support team that is responsive.
Per-order payments are a great alternative to main account wallets.

Vice City Cons

Doesn't have support for Monero (XMR) - yet (this may change soon).
Sometimes, the site is down or has the long load times of pages.
Market layout is not the most attractive layout.
Basic functions seem to be malfunctioning from time-to-time.

In all, is not an ideal choice for all people for selecting the darknet market. However, being in operation for an entire year and a half since their launch, they've managed develop an authentic user base. This is due to their promise to incorporate user feedback into their market procedures, although the market is in the process of being developed, their administrators offer a reliable way to connect sellers and buyers even as they wait for the full development.

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